Monday, May 5, 2014

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

     Hello everyone! I am back after a long time. I have been busy with some other real life stuff and some other extra activities. Anyway I would like to share to you my new addiction, an online card game created by Blizzard, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft.

What is Hearthstone?

     Hearthstone is an online turn-based collectible card game. It was created by Blizzard and officially released last March 11, 2014. The game have several game modes on which players will have a different game experience. The game runs through and you can create your account by clicking here.

Are there different classes just like in WoW?

     Just like as World of Warcraft, Hearthstone also have 9 different classes: Druid (Malfurion), Hunter (Rexxar), Mage (Jaina), Paladin (Uther), Priest (Anduin), Rogue (Valeera), Shaman (Thrall), Warlock (Gul'dan) and Warrior (Garrosh). They are all key characters in the lore of World of Warcraft and each of the said classes have different unique cards available to them.

How can I get cards in game?

     Some of the cards can be unlocked each time you gain level with a certain hero/class, these are called Basic Cards. These cards are your starting cards. You can use them to create your own deck list along with the basic neutral cards which are also available once you've beaten the tutorial.

     There are also Expert Cards that can be acquired via Expert Packs or crafting using Dusts. Expert Packs are worth 100 gold and contains at least 1 rare and 4 common. The pack may contain cards with higher rarity depending on your luck. It may contain epic, legendary or golden versions of other expert cards. You may also spend real money to buy Expert Packs. If you don't want to spend real money, disenchanting cards may be your way to get the cards that you want. By disenchanting cards, you will get different amounts of dusts. You'll get 5, 20, 100, or 400 dusts if you disenchants common, rare, epic, or legendary respectively. Disenchanting golden version of expert cards can give you huge amounts of cards! You can also get cards when playing on different game modes.

What are these different game modes?

Tutorial Mode

     The tutorial is the first game mode that you will play when you launch the game for the first time. You will be able to play as Jaina Proudmoore, the Mage. In this game mode, you will fight against Hogger, Millhouse Manastorm, Lorewalker Cho, King Mukla, Hemet Nesingwary, and Illidan Stormrage. Everything you need to know about the anatomy of a card, how to cast a spell, and other important stuff in Hearthstone will be tackled all through out this mode. Once you defeat the six tutorial levels, you will now be able to play the other game modes offered by Hearthstone.

Practice Mode

     This game mode is pretty straight forward. You are going to play against the game AI or also known as The Innkeeper. In this game mode, you can practice any custom deck that you have built and see how it perform against the AI. This game mode can also unlock all of the other heroes available in the game once you have beaten them in this mode. This is also the easiest way in order to unlock every basic cards available in each classes. Keep in mind that once you have unlocked all of the 9 heroes, the expert mode will be available under the Practice game mode. Good luck beating the 9 expert heroes mate!

Play Mode

     You will be able to play against other players online through this mode. You can either play with them in Casual mode or Ranked mode. In Casual mode, you will be playing against a player random player. You will get 10 gold reward for every 3 games that you've won. The Ranked mode is just like the Casual mode but each time you win, you'll receive a star that will increase your rank. As your rank gets higher, you'll be facing stronger opponents and winning games can be a bit tricky.

Arena Mode

     The Arena mode is almost like a Sealed Draft game in Magic: The Gathering. You'll be picking out a card in a 3 set of cards in order to build a 30 card deck. Once you've picked you 30th card, you will be able to play against other players that are also playing in the Arena. This is a very tricky mode because you need to carefully craft your deck in order win a lot of games. Having more wins in this game mode means you'll have better rewards once you've lost 3 times or retired in the arena. Keep in mind that your first ever arena game will be free and you'll need 150 gold in order to play again in this mode. There will be a sure Expert Pack reward and an additional rewards such as gold, card or dust.

These are the basic things you need to know about the game itself. On my next post, I will talk about some new player tips, basic deck building guides and some other Hearthstone related stuff. 

Til then! Cheers! \('',)/